Fusion Energy Concepts + Glossary
Chemical vs. Nuclear Energy
Nuclear reactions involve changes to the nuclei of atoms, converting one or more elements into another. Chemical reactions involve rearrangement of the electrons OUTSIDE the nuclei of atoms. In chemical reactions the nuclei, and intrinsically the elements they're named, remain unchanged. Chemical energy production is typically the combustion of hydrogen, natural gas, oil, coal, wood, etc. (in ascending order of carbon content). Nuclear reactions can be millions of times more intense than chemical reactions, because they convert mass to energy (Einstein's E=mc^2).
The Strong Force
Nuclei are held together with the Strong Force, an always-attractive force between protons, neutrons and each other. Appropriately named, it is very strong, but only over very short distances, such as a femtometer. It requires tremendous force to push nuclei together past the tipping point, where the attractive Strong Forces exceed the Electrostatic Forces repelling their positively charged protons. When this happens the nuclei merge and a new element is formed. This hasn't ever happened naturally on Earth. It happens in stars.
Fusion vs. Fission
Nuclear energy is a result of forcing together light nuclei (fusion) or splitting apart heavy ones (fission). Fission is the energy responsible for all of the nuclear power plants built so far. Fusion is the future. Both reactions are a conversion of mass to energy. The difference between the weights of the inputs and outputs is what was converted to energy according to Einstein's famous formula.
The downsides of fission are primarily:
It produces waste that remains significantly radioactive for thousands of years.
Its fuel is limited on Earth.
It can "melt down".
Its fuels can also be used to produce weapons.
Conversely, fusion:
Produces waste that remains significantly radioactive for dozens of years.
Requires fuel that is effectively limitless on Earth.
It cannot "melt down".
Its fuels (on their own) cannot be used to produce weapons.
Both fission and fusion are carbon-free sources of energy.
A Tokamak is a doughnut-shaped device that burns a hydrogen isotope fuel (typically Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T)) through fusion to create helium and heat. The heat can be used to convert water to steam and drive turbines to create electricity. The Deuterium and Tritium are heated until they are so energetic that their electrons are no longer associated with individual nuclei, a state called a plasma. The disassociated nuclei are energetic and repel each other, but can be contained by strong electromagnets. Our sun does something similar, but with higher pressure and lower temperature. The sun's pressure is a result of gravity; a Tokamak's pressure is the result of magnetic confinement. Since D+T have 5 neutrons and helium only 4, a highly energetic neutron is released during the conversion. The extra neutron is helpful to convey the desired output heat, but also is destructive to the reactor and converts (activates) many materials to a radioactive form, two of the challenges associated with designing and building Tokamaks.
High-FIeld Path
The MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) believes in emphasizing high magnetic fields in their Tokamak designs. This is because fusion output is proportional to magnetic field strength to the 4th power. Doubling the magnetic field produces 16 times the fusion energy.
High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Magnets
The PSFC also believes that smaller, more efficient Tokamaks can be built using REBCO High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) electromagnets. This is due to the combination of HTS's unique property to be relatively impervious to high magnetic fields and because they are finally available in industrial quantities.
Glossary (needs work)
A | Ampere: Unit of electrical current |
ARC | MIT's Affordable, Reliable, Compact Thermonuclear Fusion Energy Reactor |
B | Strength of a magnetic field, often measured in Tesla (T) |
CS | Central Solenoid: The magnetic coil vertically oriented at the centerline of the reactor. The CS initiates the plasma through Ohmic Heating (OH). |
D | Deuterium: Stable isotope of Hydrogen with one Proton, one Electron and one Neutron |
D-T | Deuterium-Tritium Fuel: Fuel for ARC's fusion reaction, as opposed to D-D fuel |
e | Electron |
FLiBe | Molten Salt comprised of a mixture of Lithium Fluoride (LiF) and Beryllium Fluoride (BeF2) |
GW | Gigawatt: 1 Billion Watts |
H | Hydrogen: Lightest atom with one Proton and one Electron |
HFS | High Field Side: The inside of a tokamak where the toroidal magnetic field is strongest |
HX | Heat Exchanger |
LFS | Low Field Side: The outside of a tokamak where the toroidal magnetic field is weakest |
LHe | Liquid Helium: Coolant typically at 4 degrees Kelvin |
LHRF | Lower Hybrid Range of Frequencies: The range of frequencies at which ARC's radio antenna operate, launching and driving the current in the plasma. |
KA | Kiloamp: 1 thousand Amperes (A) |
KV | Kilovolt: 1 thousand Volts (V) |
MA | Mega Amp: million Amperes (A) |
MP | Midplane: The horizontal plane through the center of the vessel and plasma (think how you would slice a bagel before inserting it into a toaster) |
MW | Megawatt: 1 Million Watts |
OH | Ohmic Heating: Heating a material by passing a current through it. |
PF | Poloidal Field: Magnetic field in the poloidal direction |
Poloidal | Circular path perpendicular to the TF (think how you would slice a bagel to create a free-standing arch). The outer poloidal circle has a torus's minor radius, defining its thickness. |
REBCO | Rare Earth Berillium Copper Oxide superconductor, more specifically Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO). |
SG | Steam Generator |
T | Tesla: Unit of magnetic field strength (many MRI machines operate at about 1 Tesla) |
T | Tritium: Stable isotope of Hydrogen with one Proton, one Electron and 2 Neutrons |
TF | Toroidal Field: Magnetic field in the toroidal direction |
Toroidal | Circular path around the hole of a torus (doughnut). The middle toroidal path has a torus's major radius, defining its hole size (major radius - minor radius = hole radius) |
Torus | A doughnut-shaped geometry |
V | Volts: Unit of electrical potential |
VA | Volt Amperes: Unit of electrical work equal to Watts (W) |
W | Watts: Unit of electrical work equal to Volt Amperes (VA) |
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